Tuesday, May 18, 2004

5.18.04 - Financial Resources for Children with Special Needs

May 18th
9:00 AM Registration
9:30 AM - 12 Noon Workshop
Farmingdale Library
116 Merritts Rd., Farmingdale

The workshop will include an informational presentation on the following topics:

Care at Home Program
Physically Handicapped Children's Program
Child Health Plus
Medicaid Waivers

Both Parents and Professionals are welcomed
No preregistration **** Free of Charge
Free Financial Resources Guide

For Information call:
Parent to Parent of Long sland 631 493 1716
Bob Policastro 631 979 2620 ATDC/Angela's House

Directions: Route 135 (Seaford Oyster Bay Expressway) to Route 24 east (Hempstead Turnpike). Go about 1/4 mile under bridge, right on Merritts Road. Library is on the right site.

Monday, May 10, 2004

5.10.04 - Golf Outing

HRH Construction and Plaza Construction Corporation were the main sponsors of our First Annual Spring Golf Outing. The weather was perfect for a great day of golfing at Tamarack Country Club in Greenwich, Connecticut. The chair of the outing, Michelle Iovane of HRH, did an outstanding job making the day a success. We were fortunate to have several other sponsors including Gil_bar Industries, Solar Electric Systems, Forest Electric and Jantile, Inc. Gregory Cuneo, Chairman of HRH, eloquently addressed the room, understanding the blessings of life and outstretched arms for those less fortunate. Bob Policastro presented a powerpoint presentation that reached into the hearts of everyone in the room.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

5.5.04 - Hats off to SPRING Fashion Show

The Social Ministry of St.James Lutheran Church
invites you to attend the

Hats off to SPRING Fashion Show

Wednesday, May 5, 2004
6:30pm at The Meadow Club

Tickets: $40.00
(tax deductible)

Includes Dinner & Grand
Prize/Door Prize Entries

Ticket Information Call:
Joan Holst 584-8987

Tickets for a chance to win beautiful themed
baskets will be available at the show!

Fashions by Coldwater Creek & Dress Barn

The proceeds to Benefit: Camp Sunshine & Angela's House
Funds raised will be matched by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans