Sunday, March 09, 2008

Angela's House visit with Z100

The Z100 Interview with Angela's House will air Sunday March 23rd between 7am and 730am

Listen to the Z100 interview :

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Wal-Mart offers a helping hand to Angela's House

The employees of Wal-Mart and The Wal-Mart Foundation opened their arms to the children of Angela's House. Bob Policastro recently visited the store in Islandia where the employees presented a check and they made four shopping cart full of Easter baskets for the children.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Brandon LeMaire's Benefit for Angela's House


Brian and Christine LeMaire experienced the tragic loss of their son Brandon this past fall. Shortly after he passed away they decided to work on a fund raiser for Angela's House so that they could help other families. Angela's House was the non profit agency that had worked to assist the family in caring for their medically frail son at home. The fund raiser was on March 1st at the Nutty Irishman in Bay Shore. Over 400 people attended the event which hosted a live band, raffles and food. The turn out was amazing. Bob Policastro the executive director of Angela's House said the event was spiritual. It was amazing how Christine and Brian LeMaire gave of themselves to help other parents at such a difficult times in their lives. The true blessing was that in the goodness of their hearts to give back to others they in return received the love of the 400 plus people that attended this event to support them and their precious son Brandon. It is very difficult to lose a child or know what to say as parent live through such a tragic situation. This gather allowed friend and family the opportunity to share there support during this difficult time.

Christine and Brian

The LeMaire Family would like to express their gratitude to all of our family, friends and colleagues who have helped to make this event possible

Its' become our goal to provide the financial and emotional support to those in need, knowing how fortunate we were to receive these things from all of you.

As we've said many times before Brandon, while only here with us for 19 months, has taught us more in thaty time than we could ever have hoped to learn in a lifetime.

Thank you
The Lemaire Family